It has been almost two months since I posted! I can't believe I fell so behind. Well, Miss Bella has been growing so fast. She is now walking, and on the verge of running. She is saying Mama, Dada,
Baba and Bye Bye. It's amazing to see her learning. She is very clever, and loves figuring things out.
Dancing is still one of her favorite things to

do. Only now, she carries the music around and dances while she walks. She likes playing games like peek-a-boo, and pretending to give you something just to snatch it away at the last second. I am pretty sure we are getting to the stage where she likes to push buttons to see how far she can get. Unfortunately for her, it's not too far...lol.

Bella now has seven teeth, and is starting to get some of her back teeth in. She is eating so well, and loves adult food. So far, the only things she doesn't like are yogurt and celery. It seems like she always wants a snack or some of our food. I think she gets her never ending appetite from her daddy!
Jamie is really enjoying that she is old enough to wrestle around a little. She loves it when he flips her and tosses her in the air.

Building forts is a big thing with her. She likes to hide and pop out. She will drag toys in there and laugh the whole time! She is also into babies. It seems like she always has one in her arms. It's so cute how she likes to pat them, then throw them down and start cracking up.
Last week, she started feeling a little icky. I took her to the doctor, and they said she had an infection in her eyes, a double ear infection, and mild pneumonia! I couldn't believe it all hit her at once like that. They had to do an x-ray and give her a shot of antibiotics. I felt so bad for her. She really did well, though, and is feeling much better now.

My little angel is less than a month away from being one year old. It is exciting and heart breaking at the same time. I love watching her grow and learn, but I am so going to miss her being a baby. I am so proud of the little person she is turning into!