Saturday, August 27, 2011


It seems that the "terrible two's" have Miss Bella has decided that "No!" is her new favorite phrase and that she wants to do EVERYTHING on her own. Unfortunately for her, she still has trouble with the latter. It's so funny to watch her try and do things that she just isn't big enough to do. She has learned to open doors on her own, which may not be a good thing, and knows how to unlock many of our locks, also not a good thing. Lucky our front and back doors are too difficult.

My baby girl has started to become aware of her own opinions and desires. It's funny how they go from needing you to make all the decisions to making most of them themselves overnight. She loves to play in rain, she has her favorite cartoons, she know what she likes to eat, and she knows how she wants to spend her time. I love that she is so girly, but still loves to play outside and run around with all of her cousins! She has become pretty assertive about what she wants and a little bossy when it comes to making that happen. I don't know where she got that from... :)

Bella has really taken off in the academic sense. She can count to ten, knows almost all of her ABC's, knows most of her colors and shapes, and is starting to speak in sentences. It's always so impressive when she begins to understand something new. It amazes me how much knowledge she can absorb in such short amounts of time. I am a very proud Mama!