Our little baby girl finally got her first tooth! Poor girl has been teething for months. Looks like the other one is about to come out too. She is eating so well. She is on stage three baby food, but prefers whatever I am eating. I think she would eat anything you put in front of her. She is learning how to use a sippy cup now. Everytime she takes a drink, she lets out a gasping squeal of excitement. It is very cute. She is no longer limited to our living room. She has overcome her fears and feels free to go in whatever room she can get into. That means I have to be very careful about what is laying around. She can also get to the end tables and whatever else she can pull herself up on. It is alot of work, but so much fun. I am so proud of her. I think she is going to be a very determined and brave girl. I am so excited to see what she does next.
That is so exciting!! That little tooth is precious!